New Poems in Mississippi Review, Ocean State Review, & Louisville Review
I’m grateful to Adam Clay at the Mississippi Review, Jonathan Weinert at the Louisville Review, and Charles Kell at Ocean State Review for featuring new poems in their respective journals.
Adam picked up a poem, “The Steam on the Asphalt,” that I’d had on the drafting board for many years. Jonathan published a Merwin-inspired ode to my undergraduate writing nook, “To a Study Desk on the Second Floor of the William Howard Doane Library,” as well as “Twilight in Late May.” Charles published the sequel to “Twilight,” a poem called ”A Sunrise in June,” as well as a sonnet, “The Posthumous Reader,” and the last of my poems titled “For the Last Human.”
Among the other fine contributors to these journals include more writers than I could mention, but I was pleased to see my work next to Beth Marzoni, whom I’d met not long before; Tim Liu, an editor at Saturnalia; Monica Berlin (may her work live on); Margot Singer (my old friend from Denison); and Adam Day, editor over at Action, Spectacle.